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               The 21st Century was booming up with the Credit card Industry.Virtually every bank was investing heavily in Credit card departments and there was a strong improvement in the sales of this thing.Credit cards have become most significant and a necessity in the recent years and are practically in use everywhere. But here it is why you should avoid these glossy little things..

- Irrespective to the companies sayings,you should always pay a maintenance fee.

- Often balances keep adding up until its too late. 

- Its a sweet trap.The idea of a credit limit often escalates our expenses.

- Financing your purchases doesn't teach self control. 

- Credit card interest rates are expensive.

- Credit card interest rates increase when you can't pay off your balance in full.

- poor financial support may threaten your relationship.

- Financing purchases can lead to higher spending. 

-In a worst-case scenario, the habit of financing your purchases can lead to bankruptcy.

                                      Avoiding financing can bring peace of mind.If you don't owe anyone money, you won't have to worry about late fees, interest, annual fees or over-the-limit fees. The best way to treat yourself to something nice is to save up for it and buy it when you can truly afford it. The peace of mind that will come with not financing your purchase will lead you to successful and great life.

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