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   We already know that Indian Railways is the largest employer in India.Many places allover India had been connected with the railway network. For more convenience and safety of the passengers and government,some rules has been revised....

-Have to pay full ticket price for a child aged 5 and above. 
-When reserving a ticket for any journey through the railways,the person should declare his/her nationality.
 -A general ticket for less than 200 km,will only be valid for three hours.

 More revised conditions information... 

1. Postponement of journey:

(a) Confirmed Ticket :- Postponement of journey on confirmed tickets shall be allowed in the same or any
higher class' by any subsequent train on the same or any subsequent day, for same or any longer destination, provided that..

(i) confirmed or RAC or waiting list accommodation is available in the train in which fresh reservation is

(ii) fresh reservation fee for the class for which reservation is required is paid, in case tickets surrendered
during working hours and at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train in which originally

(iii) 25% fare of already booked ticket is paid as cancellation charges, in case of tickets surrendered
during working hours and within 24 hrs and 4 hours before schedule departure of the train in which
originally booked.

(iv) 50% fare of already booked ticket is paid as cancellation charges, in case of tickets surrendered
during working hours and with in 4 hours before schedule departure and up the maximum time limits
mentioned. (i.e 3/6/12 hours, depending on distance.) after actual departure of the train in which originally

(b) RAC & Waitlisted tickets : Postponement of  journey on RAC and waitinglist tickets shall be allowed in
same or higher class, by any subsequent train on the same or any subsequent day, for same or any longer
destination,  provided that..

(i) confirmed or RAC or waiting list accommodation is available in the train in which fresh reservation is

(ii) ticket is surrendered during working hours and up to the maximum time limits mentioned(i.e. 3/6/12
hours depending on distance) after actual departure of the train in which originally.

(iii) clerkage charge is paid.

2. Preponement of journey:
      Preponement of journey on confirmed, RAC & waitlisted tickets shall be allowed in the same or any
higher class ,by any earlier train on the same day or any earlier day, for same or any longer destination,
provided that..

(a) confirmed or RAC or waiting list accommodation is available in the train in which fresh reservation is

(b) Ticket is surrendered during working hours of reservation office and at least 6 hrs before scheduled
departure of the train in which reservation is required or before preparation of reservation chart, which
ever is later.

(c) Fresh reservation fee for the class for which reservation is required is paid, in case of  Preponement on confirmed tickets and

(d) Clerkage charge is paid.

3. Exclusive accommodation for women.

(a) One compartment of the lowest class of accommodation is earmarked for ladies in every passenger carrying train. Some berths/Seats in sleeper class / second seats are also earmarked for ladies at the train originating station.

(b) Any male passenger found occupying or attempting to occupy such a carriage or compartment shall be liable to be prosecuted apart from being removed from the compartment.

(c) Boys under 12 years of age may travel in a ladies compartment with relatives or friends.

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