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Most people feel anxious or depressed at times. Losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, going through a divorce, and other difficult situations can lead a person to feel sad, lonely, scared, nervous, or anxious. These feelings are normal reactions to life's stressors.

But some people experience these feelings daily for no apparent reason, making it difficult to carry on with normal, everyday functioning. These people may have an anxiety disorder, depression, or both.

Depression is a condition in which a person feels discouraged, sad, hopeless, unmotivated, or disinterested in life in general. When these feelings last for a short period of time, it may be a case of "the blues."

"The hardest part in our life is waking up in the morning, remembering what you were trying to forget last night"!

"There is nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad"!

"People who die by suicide don't want to end their lives,they just want to end their pain"!

  Here's what you should do if you think you might be depressed. 

1.Listen to music. Music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence.It makes you refresh all the time and gives a very peaceful mind.

2.Try watch a comedy movie. Depression and humour are quite opposite and they can never be together.

3.Try to have a enough sleep. Sleep allows your body to take rest and relax yourself and keeps you away from pain and agony.

4.Talk to a friend,discuss everything with your bestie's and sharing your problems might make you feel better.

5.Meet your doctor twice a month. Consulting a doctor will strengthen your mindset,he will try to motivate you in all positive way and makes you feel optimistic.

6.Stop blaming yourself or feeling hopeless. Depression is the not the self-owned thing.Depending on the circumstances a random person may be suffering with this thing.It's not that hard to forget and try to make fr

7.Show interest in feel-good food.Taking good food will allow you to lose anxiety and can be strong and healthy. 
          Get set for everything which happens then after.You have to face each and every situation which gonna happen.Once you done with all these things you might be well out of the dangerous "Depression and Anxiety"

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